Resources & Recommendations
Below are a list of resources based on the latest, evidenced-based Menopause research, including books and products I recommend with affiliate links​

The Imperfects: Dr Louise Newson episode- Maybe its Menopause (Menopause Specialist)
Diary of a CEO: Dr Mary Claire Haver episode (Gynaecologist and Menopause Expert)
Diary of a CEO: Dr Vonda Wright (Orthopaedic Surgeon and Healthy Ageing Expert)
You Are Not Broken: Dr Kelly Casperson (Urologist and Sexual Health Expert)
All About You- Dr Shauna Watts (All things Health and Women's Wellness)
The Definitive Guide to Perimenopause and Menopause: Dr Louise Newson
Estrogen Matters: Why Taking Hormones in Menopause Can Improve Women's Well-Being and Lengthen Their Lives -- Without Raising the Risk of Breast Cancer : Avrum Bluming, MD and Carol Tavris, PhD
The New Menopause: Mary Claire Haver, MD
You Are Not Broken: Stop "Should-ing" All Over Your Sex Life: Kelly Casperson, MD​

Recommended products
LUBRICANTS - Which are fun AND good for your vaginal microbiome:​
Olive and Bee (Olive oil and beeswax only)
Überlube (Silicone based with Vitamin E)
YES WB (Water based, organic)
YES OB (Plant-oil based, organic)
SUPPLEMENTS - The biggest game changers for Menopause:
Creatine Monohydrate (ATP 'Creapure') Recommended dose: 3-5g/day
Protein Powder (Whey/ plant based protein) Recommended dose: 30g/day
Vitamin D3 and K2 (4000iu D3 and 100mcg K2) Recommended dose: 1 capsule daily
Magnesium Glycinate (200mg) Recommended dose: 1 capsule nightly
Omega 3 Triple Strength (EPA 540mg DHA 360mg) Recommended dose: 1 capsule daily

HRT after Breast Cancer
Brain Health and Menopause

Clinical Resources
Confidence in Menopause course - Newson Health
Denial of Hormones is more than women should bear - Dr Ceri Cashell
Menopause and MHT in 2024 : International Menopause Society White Paper
Hormone replacement Therapy after Breast Cancer: It is Time - Dr Avrum Bluming​